8 Common Car Fluid Leaks to Look Out For

8 Common Car Fluid Leaks to Look Out For

8 Common Car Fluid Leaks to Look Out For Find a Grease Monkey Near You Ideally, car fluids should not leak. In practice, damage to hoses or loose connections causes fluid to leak from cars, resulting in sticky residue on engine components or odd-colored puddles under...
11 Things You Can Do to Improve Gas Mileage

11 Things You Can Do to Improve Gas Mileage

11 Things You Can Do to Improve Gas Mileage Find a Grease Monkey Near You Knowing how to improve gas mileage has several advantages, the most obvious being that you spend less at the gas pump. Improved gas mileage also means your vehicle has a lower impact on the...
Going on a Road Trip? Here’s Your Car Maintenance Checklist

Going on a Road Trip? Here’s Your Car Maintenance Checklist

Going on a Road Trip? Here’s Your Car Maintenance Checklist Find a Grease Monkey Near You Road trips should be fun, but nothing interferes with your travel plans like unexpected car problems. At a minimum, breaking down while you’re on the road involves finding...
9 Ways to Protect Your Car in the Summer

9 Ways to Protect Your Car in the Summer

9 Ways to Protect Your Car in the Summer Find a Grease Monkey Near You Summer can be hard on vehicles. Driving in hotter temperatures can damage your car battery, while sunlight can cause deterioration of exterior and interior paint and plastic. Knowing how to keep...